A downloadable game

3 C++ terminal games I made while learning C++

Game 1 (the IDEA): see what I could do

Game 2 (Ship Builder): collect resources to build a ship to fly away. There isn't actually a ship, because I couldn't figure out how to display the ship from left to right. I let enemies spawn earlier the longer you play because I realized you could just farm resources really early in the game. This is the biggest game of the 3, because it was supposed to be the only game

Game 3 (Collect Item idea): more realized idea of Game 1. You could move around and collect coins, fight enemies, and collect items. It could be a collect item X to open door X and fight enemies for XP, puzzle-type game

Updated 4 days ago
Published 15 days ago
AuthorLuminice Star
Tagsascii, cpp, terminal


ASCII Game.zip 45 kB

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